Alla inlägg den 19 augusti 2010

Av xc zhao - 19 augusti 2010 05:41

Recently, the top luxury brand Louis Vuitton Handbags (LV). For the iPhone released a series of their products. Mainly by phone sets. Louis Vuitton Bags of mobile phone sets for the iPhone still lasted Replica Louis Vuitton products, clipping and delicate, consistent well-made. In the iPhone adds contracted style A luxurious air, moving.

Apple's digital products have 2 o 'clock is other brand incomparable: one is extremely rich originality remains characteristics of design concept, 2 is very rich accessories support. With our familiar iPod series products, for example, in addition to the machine itself, and you can also increases with increase of different parts Realizing the radio, music, and tape recorder. Such function expansion. Due to iPod is no longer simply a digital product, but a fashion symbol, so many fashion brand also for iPod carrying out after class. As we are familiar with Louis Vuitton and LV. As an apple now

In the field of digital consumption, iPhone flagship continuing this characteristic, or product strategy.

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